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Penta Group Fall Protection Stand Down Event

Paying attention to your surroundings and using your personal protection equipment properly will save your life.  That was the message conveyed at the National Fall Protection Stand Down event on the Penta Groups’ Lucky Dragon job site.  Stephen Rodgers, the Program Coordinator for SCATS stated “There were 345 deaths due to falls last year in the construction industry, all were preventable.”  The 106 attendees at the DBI Sala demonstration on fall protection equipment and use were educated  on how to avoid that fate.  The Penta Group, host of the event, is a strong believer in safety and fall protection is at the top of their list.  “Penta was able to re-affirm our commitment to employee safety and to provide some education and training to our employees and subcontractor in Fall Protection and Fall Arrest systems”  Said Chad Corey Safety Manager for Penta “We believe It is through this type of commitment that Penta can be a catalyst for change for all employees- regardless of whose hard hat they might wear.”